What is public health? Students in the UGA Health & Wellness class are here to help you find out! They have strategically identified examples in the Athens community that they feel represent public health in action. This blog is dedicated to explaining, understanding, and discussing what their interpretations of public health, as well as their reactions to learning about topics of health and wellness.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Whistlebury Walk Recycling Bin

For our second entry, our group photographed the dumpster and recycling bin located in the Whistlebury Walk apartment complex off campus. We would primarily like to focus on the recycling aspect of this photograph, however, because it is essential to public health. Whistlebury Walk is relatively small, and residents are able to walk around the entire complex in a matter of minutes. The large recycling and trash bins are located at the front of the neighborhood, so residents are easily able to take out their trash and recycling as often as is necessary. The recycling bin in Whistlebury Walk is an example of public health because if it wasn’t there, it is likely that residents would neglect to recycle and would instead throw away all of their recyclable products. Throwing away products that could be recycled simply creates more waste that ultimately ends up as pollution. 
As we said in our previous entry, one of our group members lives in Whistlebury Walk. Because of the recycling bin in the complex, she has become extremely conscious of recycling products such as milk and egg cartons, cardboard boxes, aluminum cans and other materials that are utilized frequently in her apartment. Her roommates have also acquired an additional bin in their unit to collect their recyclable products. We believe it is important for all residents of Whistlebury Walk, as well as other apartment complexes on and off campus, to take a similar initiative in regard to recycling. Every complex should have an accessible area where tenants can recycle their products. This would cause more college students at the University of Georgia to recycle, which would result in less pollution and wasted energy. This is public health. 

Group members: Allison Goldstein, Samantha Mandel, Marc Goldner

1 comment:

  1. At my parent's house we have been recycling for years and I thought it was weird that in my apartment complex in Athens, we aren't offered that same opportunity. I think recycling is important just because it reduces waste and by saving those items, we are using up less space in landfills. It's a great idea that the option of recycling should be available in neighborhood because some people would really take advantage of that.

    Morgan Palimore
    Martina Vis
    Nick Melton
