My favorite topic that we have
discussed in class so far has been about sleep. This topic was very interesting
to me because every college student can relate to this topic. Every college
student can at least think of one time in their college careers where they had
to stay up all night to finish an assignment or to study for a test. But little
did I know that pulling these all-nighters is not effective. It was interesting to learn that students who pull all-nighters have lower GPAs.
I learned from
lecture that sleep depravation could cause major health problems that I was not
aware of. For example, people that
sleep fewer than six hours a night are more likely to have excess body weight.
I also learned that getting less sleep makes a person three times more likely
to become sick and struggle with depression. I would have never thought that
the lack of sleep would cause major health problems.
This lecture has taught me
how important sleep is for a health lifestyle. This topic is important to
public health because without the adequate amount of sleep one’s health could
be affected in many negative ways. Its important to increase public knowledge
of how adequate amounts of sleep can improve one’s quality of life. That’s why
it’s important to get your rest so you can be your best!
My question for this topic is: Is
it possible to recover from sleep deprivation? How long does it take to
Hannah Carmichael
Sleep is something that I found very interesting as well. It's surprising to me how many college students give up sleep in order to study for a test the night before. This has shown to be ineffective like you said. This topic has helped me to fix my sleep schedule and learn to study in a way that's more effective and doesn't prevent me from getting enough sleep. There are a lot of things that go into a good nights rest, but they are worth doing so that you can be energized to do all that life demands from you during a day.