What is public health? Students in the UGA Health & Wellness class are here to help you find out! They have strategically identified examples in the Athens community that they feel represent public health in action. This blog is dedicated to explaining, understanding, and discussing what their interpretations of public health, as well as their reactions to learning about topics of health and wellness.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

TIPH Sticker

My example of public health is the fire extinguisher in my apartment's kitchen. This is an example of public health, because many college students may be inexperienced with cooking or live in apartments with older appliances, like ovens and stoves, which can cause a higher chance of a small fire starting. This fire could quickly spread through an apartment building, so its important to have a fire extinguisher that can be used quickly to put it out, therefore eliminating the risk of endangering others. Since this is an example of public health, I think its important for college students to know where their fire extinguisher is located in their apartment, or if they live in a house, then they should purchase one to prevent a fire from being bigger than it needs to be.

1 comment:

  1. Alex this is a great example of public health. I never even thought about a fire extinguisher as public health until now. This can be very beneficial to the public if there is fire near them and could save the people or things around them. Everybody should learn how to use one properly if they don't know already.
